Early Times (1000 BCE - 1900)
1000 BCE
David rules Judea, first
united kingdom in the
area, from Jerusalem. |
King Solomon dies, kingdom
divided into Judea (south)
and Israel (north). |
931 BCE
The Assyrians invade
and destroy the northern
Kingdom of Israel. |
The Babylonians conquer
Jerusalem, destroy the first
temple and exile influential
Jews to Babylon. |
586 BCE |
The Persians defeat the
Babylonians, allow Jews
to return to Jerusalem. |
Alexander the Great
destroys the Persian
Empire, conquers Judea. |
332 BCE |
The Maccabees revolt
against the Greeks, Judea
once again independent
Jewish state.
The Romans conquer
Greek Empire including
Judea, Jews granted some
measure of autonomy. |
63 BCE |
Herod The Great
administers the Roman
province of Judea. |
Titus quashes yet another
Jewish rebellion, Jerusalem
reduced to rubble. |
of Jerusalem
70 AD |
Bar Kochva Revolt, many
Jews deported or killed by
Romans, Judea renamed
to "Palaestina". |
Byzantine Era, Roman
Emperor Constantine makes
Christianity official religion
of entire empire. |
313 |
Persians retake Jerusalem,
Byzantine emperor defeats
Persians, kills Jews, burns
synagogues. |
Arab Caliph Omar invades
Jerusalem, builds Al-Aqsa
mosque on ruins of
Jewish temple. |
638 |
Jerusalem conquered
by Cairo-based Fatimid
dynasty. |
Fatimids ejected by the
Seljuk Turks, end of Arab
dominance. |
1071 |
The Crusaders conquer
Jerusalem, massacre many
Jews and Muslims. |
Kurdish general Saladin,
ruler of Egypt and Syria,
captures Jerusalem. |
1187 |
Mamelukes take over
Egypt, eject last Crusa-
ders from the Holy Land. |
Ottoman Turks take Cairo,
rule entire Middle East from
Constantinople (Istanbul)
for 400 years. |
1517-1917 |
The Establishment of Israel
(1880 - 1947)
First major wave of
European Jews immigrate
to Palestine. |
First Zionist Congress in
Basel found World Zionist
Organization chaired by
Theodor Herzl. |
Zionist Congress
1897 |
Second wave of Jewish
immigration from eastern
Europe. |
British government issues
the Balfour
Declaration pro-
mising a "Jewish National
Home" in Palestine. |
1917 |
The British General
Allenby conquers
Jerusalem. |
Establishment of the man-
dates for Syria, Mesopota-
mia (Iraq) and Palestine. |
1920 |
Jewish-Arab cooperation
breaks down, Arab
nationalists turn their
attention to Jerusalem. |
Arab rioters attack Jewish
population in Jerusalem,
April 1920. |
Arab Riots
1920 |
First elections to Jewish
parliament, "Knesset"
take place in April 1920. |
In May 1921 Arab
Nationalists attack Jews in
Jaffa, violence spreads
throughout Palestine. |
Arab Riots
1921 |
Mandate for Palestine,
Jewish national home con-
firmed by predecessor to
UN, League of Nations. |
Transjordan is severed from
Palestine, 3/4 of mandate's
area excluded from poten-
tial Jewish homeland. |
1922 |
British attempts at estab-
lishing Jewish-Arab power
sharing in Palestine fail due
to Arab rejection. |
The Hebrew University
founded at Mount Scopus,
east of Jerusalem, Juni 1925 |
1925 |
Knesset authorized to
collect taxes from Jewish
community. Responsible for
education, health, welfare. |
Jewish communities all over
Palestine under attack.
Hebron Jews massacred. |
Arab Attacks
1929 |
Britain tightens rules for
Jewish immigration in
reaction to Arab violence. |
Hitler's rise to power in
Germany results in a spike
in Jewish emigration from
Europe |
1933 |
Al-Husseini clan founds
Palestine Arab Party, and
armed militia, "al-Futuwwa"
to fight Jews and British. |
Arabs mount general
strike, attack Jews all over
Palestine. Jewish defense
partly effective. |
Arab Revolt
1936 |
Arabs reject British Peel
Commission's plan to create
Jewish state in 20% of
Palestine, Arab in 80%. |
Arab-Nazi cooperation,
Germany supplies weapons
for Palestinian Arab's fight
against Jews. |
1937 |
Attacks on Jewish civilians
reach new high. Jews stage
counterattacks against Arab
guerrillas. |
Britain proposes plan
unacceptable to Jews, then
abandons Jewish National
Home altogether. |
Home in Peril
1938-39 |
Jews allied with Britain
during war, Palestinian Arabs side with Nazi-
Germany. |
Despite Jewish war effort,
Britain blocks refugees from
entering Palestine. Jewish
sabotage against British. |
from Europe
1945-48 |
The UN decides to partition Palestine into a Jewish
an Arab state. Jews accept,
Arabs reject the plan. |
The New State (1947 - 1973)
Arabs attack Jewish commu-
nities all over Palestine. Civil
war breaks out, many Arabs
flee ahead of Arab invasion. |
War in Palestine
1947-48 |
Israel attacked by armies
of Egypt, Jordan, Syria,
Lebanon and Iraq. Cease-
fire agreed in spring 1949. |
More than 700.000 Arabs
flee new State of Israel.
Almost as many Jews flee to
Israel fromArab countries. |
and Jewish Refugees
1948-53 |
Egypt and Jordan support
guerrilla attacks into Israel
from Gaza and West Bank.
Israel rutinely retaliates. |
Egypt's blockade of the Red
Sea and nationalization of
the Suez Canal spurs an
international crisis. Israel
invades Gaza and the Sinai. |
1956 |
The PLO is founded in
order to "liberate" Palestine
from the Zionists. |
Arab forces build up all
around Israel threatening to
attack. Israel strikes first,
defeats Egypt, Jordan and
Syria in six days. |
Day War
1967 |
UN calls for negotiated
solution, Arabs reject
negotiations, recognition,
peace with Israel. |
Egypt shells Israeli forces
Sinai, who respond with air
and commando raids. |
of Attrition
1967-70 |
PLO attacks Israelis and
Jewish civilians all over
the world. |
Egypt and Syria initiate
coordinated surprise attack
on two fronts, Israel
repels invaders. |
Kippur War
1973 |
Peace with the Arabs?
(1977 - 2000)
Egypt and Israel sign peace
deal, Israel withdraws from
demilitarized Sinai. |
After years of attacks
from Lebanon, Israel
invades and ejects PLO. |
Lebanon War
1982 |
Riots brake out in Gaza and
West Bank. Israel tries to
suppress the uprising.
There are many losses. |
PLO supports Iraq as it
invades Kuwait, launches
rockets at Israel, which re-
frains from retaliating. |
Gulf War
1991 |
Israel and its Arab
neighbors meet in Madrid
and later in Washington
with limited results. |
A breakthrough is made
between Israel and PLO. A
peace process is launched. |
Oslo Process
1993 |
Palestinian Authority assu-
mes power over some areas
in Gaza and West Bank. |
Jordan becomes the second
Arab country to make peace
with Israel. |
with Jordan
1994 |
Israel hands over further
terriroty to the Palestinian
Authority. |
Israel's prime minister
Yitzhak Rabin is shot by
radical, Orthodox Jew. |
of Rabin
1995 |
Several additional accords
are signed. Peace process
continues at slow pace. |
Israel pulls out all troops
from Lebanon, ending 22
years of military presence. |
Leaves Lebanon
2000 |
Israel refuses to implement
withdrawals citing Palestini-
an failure to honor agree-
ments. |
Israel makes offer to
Palestinians, who reject it,
make no counteroffer and
leave negotiations. |
David, Breakdown of the Peace Process
2000 |
The Post-Oslo Era (2000 - today)
The Second Intifada
2000 |
Palestinians launch wave
of suicide bombs and other
attacks on Israelis at an
unprecedented level. |
Israel reinvades most major
Palestinian cities on West
Bank in order to destroy
terrorist infrastructure. |
"Defensive Shield"
2002 |
Israel's Security Barrier
2002 |
Israel constructs barrier
on West Bank preventing
suicide bombers from reach-
ing Israeli civilians. |
World's major powers
sponsor phased peace plan.
Phase one is never
implemented. |
"The Roadmap for Peace"
2003 |
Withdrawal from Gaza
2005 |
Israel unilaterally withdraws from Gaza Strip,
evacuating 8000 Jewish settlers. |
Hamas wins Palestinian
parliamentary elections,
attempts to share power
with Fatah. |
Hamas Assumes Power
2006 |
The Second Lebanon
2006 |
Hizbollah attack on Israeli
soldiers and civilians leads
to major one-month military
operation by Israel. |
Heavy internal fighting
among Palestinians. Hamas
ousts Fatah from power in
Gaza in violent coup. |
Hamas' Takeover of Gaza
2007 |
The Gaza War
2008-09 |
Increasing rocket attacks
from Gaza on Israel's civilian
population spurs military
offensive against Hamas'
positions in the strip. |