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1917 - The Balfour Declaration

1922 - The Mandate
for Palestine

1947 - UN General Assembly Resolution 181

1948 - UN Security Council Resolution 42

1948 - UN General Assembly Resolution 194

1967 - UN Security Council Resolution 242

1973 - UN Security Council Resolution 338

2006 - UN Security Council Resolution 1701




UN Resolutions and other Important Documents:

Documents Prior to the Establishment of the United Nations:

The Balfour Declaration
November 2, 1917 - The British government expresses its support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

The League of Nations - Mandate for Palestine
July 24, 1922 - Britain is awarded control of Palestine and is given the task of working towards the restoration of a Jewish homeland in the area.

United Nations Resolution on the Partition of Palestine and the Establishment of Israel:

UNGA Resolution 181 - Partition Plan
Adopted on November 29, 1947 - The UN's partition plan for Palestine.

Note: Only resolutions adopted by the Security Council are binding for the member states, while those adopted by the General Assembly only have advisory status.

UN Security Council Resolution regarding the Establishment of Israel:

UNSC Resolution 42 - Confirmation of Partition Plan
Adopted on Marts 5, 1948 - a few months before the declaration of The State of Israel. The UN Security Council's first resolution regarding Israel, confirms the partition plan of General Assembly Resolution 181 of November 29, 1947.

UN General Assembly Resolution regarding Refugees:

UNGA Resolution 194 - Refugees
Adopted on December 11, 1948 - regarding refugees.

Note: Only resolutions adopted by the Security Council are binding for the member states, while those adopted by the General Assembly only have advisory status.

UN Security Council Resolution regarding borders and security:

UNSC Resolution 242 - After the Six Day War
Adopted on November 22, 1967 - a few months after the Six Day War. This resolution constitutes the foundation for all future peace negotiations.

UNSC resolution 338 - After the Yom Kippur war
Adopted on Oktober 22, 1973 - shortly after the Yom Kippur War. This resolution confirms UNSC Resolution 242.

UNSC resolution 1701 - Ceasefire in Lebanon
Adopted on August 11, 2006. The resolution sets the terms for the ceasefire between Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Israel after the "Second Lebanon War".





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The History of Israel - A Chronological Presentation - history-of-israel.org